Formula 1 drivers have at least one formula for success. Freelance teachers can learn from them. Yet is the Formula 1 success formel ethical? Is it right or wrong? Likewise, do teachers become freelance teachers for all the right reasons? Or all the wrong ones?
Category: Freelance Business
Most teachers believe marketing is advertising or selling yourself ? something that is pushy and where you are imposing yourself on others. This is because marketing is often understood to only mean “advertising” and “selling yourself”. You struggle with the ethical idea of combining teaching and running a business ? especially when that word “marketing” rears its head. But are you doing your students and customers a disservice by not marketing simply because you feel an ethical problem with marketing?
What is necessary when you start out on your freelance career? Have you ever mislaid your reading glasses, or your car or front door keys? That book you were reading? How often have you looked for something you’ve mislaid only to find it there before…
What The Bogeyman And Freelancing Have In Common You’ve ears like a bat; straining to pick up the slightest sound. The room is dark and your chest is tight. You’re wide awake… what woke you up? You may not be a child any more, but…